


On May 5, 1996 His Eminence Cardinal John O’Connor of New York (USA) held an Evangelization Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral and said

“ In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Peace Be With You. This is magnificent. Lenin who started the Communist Revolution in 1917, said that if he had ten men like Saint Francis of Assisi he could change the world. Just ten men like Saint Francis of Assisi. Here we have one thousand, fifteen hundred men and women like Saint Francis of Assisi. We won’t change the world, we’ll save the world with this many people, this many priests, we can save the world. It is wonderful that you are here. Welcome … to all of you” …

Each year, on October 13th, we celebrate the Anniversary of the Fatima Apparitions. We ask that you help join in honoring Our Lady of Fatima with your prayers. Thank you.