Prayer Requests


Special Needs

So many of God’s Children have become possessed by the false gods of this world.  If you wish to set a loved one free from satan’s hand then pray to Jesus in the Hoy Eucharist to return you and your loved one(s) to the Hands of Our Heavenly Father. Invite Jesus to become the sun, which illuminates your life, so that His Holy Light may be reflected in you to penetrate the darkness within the souls of all whom you are willing to pray and suffer for.

Be not afraid to knock on Heaven’s Door not once but over and over until your hands bleed and until Heaven sets those you pray for free. Win favor with Heaven by returning again and again to the Pope and the teachings of the Holy Roman Catholic Church. Storm Heaven with your prayers and reparative penance.

Let yourself enter into the Immaculate Heart of Mary your Loving Mother who has the power to intercede before Her Son Jesus for your needs and those you pray for. Be not afraid to offer yourself and those you pray for to the Immaculate Hearts of Mary and Jesus.


Questions and Answers

Q. So many people have become addicted to numerous forms of substance abuse. Some have lost their struggle and are no longer with us while others continue to enter further into their addictions. Is there anything we can do individually or as a group for these Children of God?

You have the power within yourself to pray for these special souls. Your prayers and personal sufferings will help allow the Light and Truth of Our Lord Jesus Christ to make them new and whole before the Eyes of Heaven.

Q. It seems that the Children of God are being overwhelmed by addictions of alcohol, drugs, abortion, prostitution, pornography, lust, physical and mental abuse, greed, depression and on and on. Is there no hope for the children of God?

Be thankful to God and all of Heaven for giving you the wisdom and courage to see what is going on about you. The grave and painful times we are going through were foretold and can be found in Holy Scripture. Your insight is a Heavenly Gift, which you can use to stop the onslaught of the innocent. So many souls have been betrayed and are in need of intercessory prayer by souls such as you. Go before the Blessed Sacrament and ask Our Lord what it is He wishes of you. Then go again and again before the Blessed Sacrament as you seek His Light. Invite Him into your heart, mind, body and soul as well as your home. Unite your pain and suffering with that of Jesus and Mary. Call out to God your Heavenly Father on behalf of yourself and all those you offer your prayers for.

Q. I feel that I am not worthy to kneel before the Blessed Sacrament. Perhaps Jesus doesn’t really want me. Should I stop going to church? 

Jesus Christ came for the sinner and only the sinner.  Go before Our Lord as a beggar for we are all beggars seeking to enter into His Love, His Heart and His Light.

Q. When I pray for my loved ones I also pray for all God's Children?

You are very wise to pray this way.

Q. What will happen to those condemned to Hell or who die in mortal sin?

With intercessory prayer on behalf of these special souls anything is possible with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Our God is a loving God who only seeks good things for His Children. Pray and don’t worry! Trust in the love of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.