Help Our Cause



We invite you to help our cause by first helping yourself and your family.

Next, we encourage you to help our beloved Holy Roman Catholic Church with your Spiritual and Corporal Acts of Mercy.

When possible from time to time, we invite you to pray the Fatima Chaplet in private devotion.

May Our Lord Jesus Christ send the Holy Spirit to inspire you to enter into the Ark of our Heavenly Mother (Marian Movement of Priests). Here you will find the Blue Book entitled "To the Priests Our Lady's Beloved Sons" which will help you to understand the times we are living in.

May the Blessing of Our Lord Jesus Christ precede you, be with you at this moment and follow you in all you do on behalf Our Father's Kingdom. May Our Lord seal you with His "I Bless You" now and forever.

We thank you.

Yours in the name of Jesus, Mary and Joseph.

The Fatima Prayers Ministry


Please know that we do not accept or solicit financial donations, or accept paid advertising nor does anyone have permission to do so in our name.

Robert Kochis
"O Lord I am Not Worthy"
In Remembrance of Me

link to download.

Jon Sarta
"Pescador De Hombres - Lord, When You Came"
The Catholic Music Project Volume Vii_ Ordinary Time

link to download.

"Lord When You Came"

link to download.


We have purchased theses songs for our own listening pleasure. You are welcome to listen and purchase the songs as well. We are proving the artists and links as a courtesy, we do not gain any type of financial support for doing this.