Questions & Answers


1. Why should I pray the Seven Fatima Prayers?
Because the Mother of God, the Angel of Peace, and our Lord have asked us to pray these prayers.

2. Must I pray the Seven Fatima Prayers in the "Nine Step" format?
The "Nine Step" format is only a suggestion. It is only one of many possibilities.

3. How can I learn more about Fatima?
You might want to start with our Links page or complete an Internet Web search. We also suggest that you speak with your parish priest.

4. I would like to ask you to pray for my special intentions. How can I write you?
We invite you to visit our Prayer Requests page, where your intentions will be prayed for.

5. I understand there is a lot of confusion about the Consecration of Russia. How can I find out more about this?
Click on and regarding the Consecration of Russia as was requested at Fatima.

6. Can I pray the Fatima Prayers on the Five Decade Rosary as opposed to the Decade Rosary?
Yes, but just remember as Saint Teresa of Avila, once said, "Too much wood on a fire will extinguish the flame."

7. Must I pray the Fatima Prayers only with my Rosary?
You can pray the Fatima Prayers by whatever means you choose.

8. Why don’t you accept or solicit financial donations?
It is our belief that your financial contributions would be better served by helping meet your own personal needs and those of your Church.

9. If you accept religious advertising and public announcements aren’t these a means for earning financial profit?
Our costs are minimal with the use of the Internet. All religious announcements that meet our spiritual criteria are free. Those that don’t meet those criteria are not accepted.