Liturgical Calendar




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December 2007

December is dedicated to the Immaculate Conception, which is celebrated on December 8th. The first 24 days of December are known as Advent and are represented by the liturgical color purple. The remaining days of this month mark the beginning of the Christmas season. The liturgical color changes to white or gold — a symbol of purity, joy and innocence.

This month the main feasts are:

  • First Sunday of Advent, Sunday, December 2nd
  • St. Francis Xavier, December 3rd
  • St. Nicholas, December 6th
  • Immaculate Conception, December 8th
  • Second Sunday of Advent, Sunday, December 9th
  • Our Lady of Guadalupe (USA), December 12th
  • St. Lucy, December 13th
  • St. John of the Cross, December 14th
  • Third Sunday of Advent, Sunday, December 16th
  • Fourth Sunday of Advent, Sunday, December 23rd
  • Christmas Eve, Sunday, December 24th
  • Christmas, December 25th
  • St. Stephen, December 26th
  • St. John the Evangelist, December 27th
  • Holy Innocents, December 28th
  • Holy Family, Sunday, December 30th